Table 4 Type of ventilator according to interface and the patient's underlying disease
Ventilator definitionInterfaceUnderlying diseaseType of RCVentilatory modesAlarmsMonitoringBatteryAccessories
Life supportTT or NIV >16 h·day−1e.g. ALS, High-level quadriplegia, advanced DMD, SMA IDouble or single RC with a non-rebreathing expiratory valveACV , VTG modes and any otherFull range#Full range> 8 hA 12/24 V car plug for battery recharge Brackets to mount the unit on the wheel chair
Life sustainingNIV <16 h·day−1e.g. COPD, OHS, early DMDAny including “vented” circuitAPCV, S/ST, PSV VTG modesBasic range+Basic rangeIrrelevantIrrelevant
  • RC: respiratory circuit; TT: tracheostomy tube; ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; DMD: Duchenne muscular dystrophy; SMA I: spinal muscle atrophy type I; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; OHS: obesity hypoventilation syndrome; S/ST: spontaneous/spontaneous-timed. #: as described in points 1–9 in table 3; : including an external battery pack; +: as described in points 1–4 of table 3.