Table 1

Parameters used in the questionnaires by which physicians evaluate asthma control

Royal College of Physicians “Three Questions” toolPresence of daily symptoms "Limitation in daily activities "Trouble sleeping
Asthma Control QuestionnaireSelf-assessment of morning symptoms "Limitation in daily activities "Night awakening "Shortness of breath "Self-reported presence of wheezing "Use of reliever medication# "Pre-bronchodilator FEV1#
Asthma Control TestShortness of breath "Limitation in daily activities "Night awakening "Use of reliever medication "Self-assessed level of control
Asthma Control Scoring SystemPresence of daily symptoms "Limitation in daily activities "Night awakening "Use of reliever medication "PEF % predicted "FEV1 % predicted "ΔPEF % predicted "Sputum eosinophilia
  • PEF: peak expiratory flow; ΔPEF: change in PEF. #: used in extended seven-question versions; : optional.