Table 1

Tests for diagnosing TB infection

TSTNew skin testsIGRAs and in vitro testsNew in vitro tests
ExamplesDiaskin test, EC-skin test and c-TbQuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus and T-SPOT.TB
Standard E TB-Feron, AdvanSure TB-IGRA ELISA, LIOFeron TB/LTBI, IP-10 ELISA
QIAreach QuantiFERON-TB, the ichroma IGRA-TB, STANDARD F TB-Feron FIA, Erythra TB-test, IP-10 IGRA LF
VIDAS TB-IGRA, AdvanSure I3 TB-IGRA, LIAISON QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus, GBTsol Latent TB Test Kit
Character­isticsIntradermal administration of PPD in the forearm
Cold chain requirement for PPD
Induration reading within 72 h
Trained staff for administration and reading the skin induration
Intradermal administration of ESAT-6/CFP-10 antigens in the forearm
Cold chain requirement for ESAT-6/CFP-10
Induration reading within 72 h
Trained staff for administration and reading the skin induration
In vitro tests with internal controls
Detection of IFN-γ or other markers in blood or PBMCs using ELISA
Need for fresh samples
Incubation time of 16–24 h
Need for efficient sample transport system
Need for different blood collection tubes depending on the altitude
Need for laboratory infrastructure
Assay time:
20 min for IP-10 ELISA;
1.5–4 h for QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus, T-SPOT.TB, Standard E TB-Feron, AdvanSure TB-IGRA ELISA, LIOFeron TB/LTBI
In vitro tests with internal controls
Detection of IFN-γ or other biomarkers in the blood or isolated T-cells using LFA or chemiluminescence or ELFA systems
Need for fresh samples
Incubation time of 0#–24 h
Need for efficient sample transport system
Need for different blood collection tubes depending on the altitude
Need for laboratory infrastructure for some assays
Assay time:
15–20 min for QIAreach QuantiFERON-TB, STANDARD F TB-Feron FIA, ichroma IGRA-TB, AdvanSure I3 TB-IGRA, Erythra TB test;
46 min to 17 h+ for LIAISON QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus, GBTsol Latent TB Test Kit, GBTsol Latent TB Test Kit, IP-10 IGRA LF and VIDAS TB-IGRA
Disadvan­tagesFalse positive results in BCG-vaccinated individuals
False negative results in immunocom­promised hosts
Inaccuracy/bias in performing the test and in reading it
Second visit needed
False negative results in immunocom­promised hosts
Inaccuracy/bias in performing the test and in reading it
False negative results in immunocompromised
Errors in the pre-analytical phase
Misinterpretation of the assays
Limited data
We expect:
Errors in the pre-analytical phase
Misinterpretation of the assays
AdvantagesUseful for large screening settings
No laboratory infrastructure required
Useful for large screening settings
No laboratory infrastructure required
Higher specificity for TB infection compared with TST
No booster effect compared with TST
No need for a second visit compared with TST
Faster turn-around time compared with TST
Higher specificity for TB infection compared with TST
No booster effect
No need for a second visit compared with TST
Lower turn-around time compared with IGRAs
Very likely: faster§ and/or less handlingƒ compared with IGRAs

Assay time: time from post-incubation and result delivery. Incubation time: time of stimulation. BCG: bacille Calmette–Guérin; ELFA: enzyme-linked fluorescence assay; ELISA: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; LFA: lateral flow assay; PBMC: peripheral blood mononuclear cells. #: incubation time not required for Erythra TB-test; : VIDAS TB-IGRA, AdvanSure I3 TB-IGRA, LIAISON QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus; +: VIDAS TB-IGRA assay time is reported to be 17 h and includes incubation, post-incubation and result score; §: applies to QIAreach QuantiFERON-TB, the ichroma IGRA-TB, STANDARD F TB-Feron FIA, Erythra TB-test, AdvanSure I3 TB-IGRA; ƒ: applies to VIDAS TB-IGRA, LIAISON QuantiFERON-
TB Gold Plus.