Table 1

Indications and dosing of asthma biologics

DrugAsthma indication (EMA)NICE guidance (UK)Dosing (adults)Additional licensed indications
Add-on therapy in patients aged 6+ years with severe persistent allergic asthma who have a positive skin test or in vitro reactivity to a perennial aeroallergen and who have reduced lung function (FEV1 <80%, this is not required if aged 6–11 years) as well as frequent symptoms and who have had multiple severe asthma exacerbations despite daily high-dose ICS, plus a LABAOptimised standard therapy
Confirmed severe persistent allergic IgE-mediated asthma
≥4 exacerbations in past year or continuous OCS
Based on weight and serum IgE (75–600 mg), 2–4 weekly
Subcutaneous injection
Auto-injector pre-filled syringe available (75 mg and 150 mg)
Chronic spontaneous urticaria
Add-on treatment of patients with severe refractory eosinophilic asthma in adults, adolescents and children aged 6+ yearsFollowed optimised treatment plan (i.e. adherent), plus either:
BE ≥300 cells·μL−1 with ≥4 exacerbations in past year requiring OCS or continuous OCS equivalent to ≥5 mg·day−1 for previous 6 months
BE ≥400 cells·μL−1 with ≥3 exacerbations in past year requiring OCS or continuous OCS equivalent to ≥5 mg·day−1 for previous 6 months
Review at 12 months
100 mg every 4 weeks
Subcutaneous injection
Auto-injector pre-filled syringe available
EGPA (300 mg dose)
Add-on therapy in adult patients with severe eosinophilic asthma inadequately controlled despite high-dose ICS plus another medicinal product for maintenance treatmentAsthma inadequately controlled despite ICS plus one other drug and BE ≥400 cells·μL−1 with ≥3 exacerbations in past year requiring OCS
Review at 12 months
Weight-based dosing (3 mg·kg−1) every 4 weeks
Intravenous infusion
Add-on maintenance treatment in adult patients with severe eosinophilic asthma inadequately controlled despite high-dose ICS plus LABAICS and LABA, followed optimised treatment plan (i.e. adherent), plus either:
BE ≥300 cells·μL−1 with ≥4 exacerbations in past year requiring OCS or continuous OCS equivalent to ≥5 mg·day−1 for previous 6 months
BE ≥400 cells·μL−1 with ≥3 exacerbations in past year requiring OCS or continuous OCS equivalent to ≥5 mg·day−1 for previous 6 months
Review at 12 months
30 mg every 4 weeks for 3 doses then 8-weekly (most infrequent of any biologic)
Subcutaneous injection
Pre-filled syringe, auto-injector available
Add-on maintenance treatment in patients with moderate-to-severe asthma aged 12 years and older with an eosinophilic phenotype or with OCS-dependent asthmaNot yet published, expected 2021300 mg every 2 weeks
Subcutaneous injection
Atopic dermatitis
Not yet approved
Phase 3 data as add-on treatment in severe asthma aged 12 years or older (though note small number adolescents enrolled) suggests efficacy in eosinophilic phenotype (high BE or FENO)
N/A210 mg every 4 weeks
Subcutaneous injection

BE: blood eosinophils; N/A: not available. Blood eosinophils of 100 cells·μL−1 (units used in USA) are equivalent to blood eosinophils of 0.1×109 L−1 (units used in UK).