Summary of principles and suggestions for implementation

PrincipleExploring this principle in your approachSuggestions for implementation
1) Patient partnership should be part of the culture of research projects – projects benefit when patients are embedded in the development, governance, delivery and disseminationRecognise the value that patient representatives bring
Consider how to balance patient and researcher priorities
Understand the importance of engaging patients at all stages of the research process
Provide guidance and training to support patients in their role and dedicate resources to patient input
Tailor opportunities to the needs and capacity of the patient representatives
Use a range of tools and opportunities to foster patient partnership across the research process
2) Patients and carers are experts by experienceValue the unique insight that patients bring
Recognise the individual and systemic biases that make it harder for patient voices to be heard
Listen to patient partners to understand where their experiences differ from those of professional partners
Create specific and intentional opportunities to gather patient perspectives
Channel patient input into the aspects of research where patients have unique and relevant insight
Be aware of the challenges patients may face during meetings and develop ways of working that foster collaboration
3) Inclusive opportunities allow patients and carers with diverse backgrounds to enrich the projectResearch benefits from involving a diverse group of patient representatives
Patient representatives can play a role in gathering experiences from their wider community
Remove some of the barriers that patients face, including financial, health, language and social inequalities
Provide open, inclusive and accessible opportunities for patients to get involved
Consider ways to make project findings accessible to diverse patient audiences
4) Measuring and recognising the impact of patient and carer input into the project helps to demonstrate its value and creates opportunities to improve practiceDemonstrating the impact of patient involvement helps to motivate patient and professional partners
Look beyond the individual project to understand how patient input has an impact on the wider community
Monitor, report and celebrate the impact that patient representatives have had
Contribute to the literature by sharing your experience of the benefits and challenges around patient involvement
Consider how individual patient representatives can share learnings with their communities