Summary of different treatment modalities, their specific roles and their aims of treatment

Treatment modalityIndications/specific roleAim of treatmentIndication for life-threatening situations
LaserDebulking in endobronchial tumoursDebulking and relief of airway obstruction with immediate effectYes
ElectrocauteryDebulking in endobronchial tumoursDebulking and relief of airway obstruction with immediate effectYes
APCDebulking in endobronchial tumoursDebulking and relief of airway obstruction with immediate effectYes
Cryoextraction/cryotherapyDebulking in endobronchial tumoursDebulking and relief airway obstruction with immediate effectYes
Mechanical debulkingDebulking in endobronchial tumoursDebulking and relief of airway obstruction with immediate effectYes
Balloon dilatationExtraluminal compressionRelief of airway obstruction with immediate effectYes
StentExtraluminal compressionRelief of airway obstruction with immediate effectYes
Photodynamic therapyEndobronchial treatment in inoperable lung cancerLocal disease controlNo
BrachytherapyTreatment in early invasive mucosal or submucosal NSCLC in nonsurgical candidates
Locally advanced centrally located lung cancer
Endobronchial boost to full-course external beam radiation therapy with incomplete response/recurrence
Local disease controlNo
MWAPreparation for the debulking of endobronchial tumoursRelief of airway obstruction with immediate effect in combination with mechanical debulkingYes
Intratumoural therapyAdministration of cytotoxic agents within the tumours with EBUSLocal disease controlNo

APC: argon plasma coagulation; MWA: microwave ablation; NSCLC: nonsmall cell lung cancer; EBUS: endobronchial ultrasound.